Erotic stories of Danielle W Batts
Profile page of Danielle W Batts. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Danielle W Batts wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 3.1K times
Double cream and blue titsDouble cream and blue tits For the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue. Come Christmas we never had to buy a tree because my uncle would always suddenly appear with one, alo... reading time 9 mingenreStraightwritten on